12 Ways To Eliminate Stress At Work

Act Rather Than React

“We experience stress when we feel that situations are out of our control,” says Melnick. It activates the stress hormone and, if chronic, wears down confidence, concentration and well-being. She advises that you identify the aspects of the situation you can control and aspects you can’t. Typically, you’re in control of your actions and responses, but not in control of macro forces or someone else’s tone, for example. “Be impeccable for your 50%,” she advises. And try to let go of the rest.

Take A Deep Breath

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head, a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance, says Melnick. Simply inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale in equal counts through the nose. “It’s like getting the calm and focus of a 90-minute yoga class in three minutes or less at your desk,” she says.

Eliminate Interruptions

“Most of us are bombarded during the day,” says Melnick. Emails, phone calls, pop ins, instant messages and sudden, urgent deadlines conspire to make today’s workers more distracted than ever. While you may not have control over the interrupters, you can control your response. Melnick advises responding in one of three ways: Accept the interruption, cut it off, or diagnosis its importance and make a plan. Many interruptions are recurring and can be anticipated. “You want to have preset criteria for which response you want to make,” she says. You can also train those around you by answering email during certain windows, setting up office hours to talk in person or closing the door when you need to focus.

Schedule Your Day For Energy And Focus

Most of us go through the day using a “push, push, push” approach, thinking if we work the full eight to 10 hours, we’ll get more done. Instead, productivity goes down, stress levels go up and you have very little energy left over for your family, Melnick says. She advises scheduling breaks throughout the day to walk, stretch at your desk or do a breathing exercise. “Tony Schwartz of the Energy Project has shown that if we have intense concentration for about 90 minutes, followed by a brief period of recovery, we can clear the buildup of stress and rejuvenate ourselves,” she says.

Eat Right And Sleep Well

“Eating badly will stress your system,” says Melnick, who advises eating a low-sugar, high-protein diet. “And when you’re not sleeping well, you’re not getting the rejuvenating effects.” According to the CDC, an estimated 60 million Americans do not get sufficient sleep, which is a critical recovery period for the body. If racing thoughts keep you from falling asleep or you wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep, Melnick suggests a simple breathing trick that will knock you out fast: Cover your right nostril and breathe through your left for three to five minutes.

Change Your Story

Your perspective of stressful office events is typically a subjective interpretation of the facts, often seen through the filter of your own self-doubt, says Melnick. However, if you can step back and take a more objective view, you’ll be more effective and less likely to take things personally. She recalls one client who sent a request to human resources for more people on an important project. When she was denied, she immediately got angry and defensive, thinking they didn’t trust her to know what she needed. Yet she never stopped to even consider there might be budgetary issues on their end. Once she was able to remove herself from the situation, she called the HR director and said: Tell me where you’re coming from, I’ll tell you where I’m coming from and then let’s see if we can find a solution. Ultimately, it worked

Cool Down Quickly

“When you feel frustrated or angry, it’s a heated feeling in your body that can cause you to react,” says Melnick. Instead of immediately reacting—and likely overreacting—she suggests trying a “cooling breath” technique: Breathe in through your mouth as if you are sipping through a straw, and then breathe out normally through your nose. Done right, you’ll feel a cooling, drying sensation over the top of your tongue. It’s like hitting the “pause” button, giving you time to think about your response. She says, “It’s so powerful it will even calm the other person down.”

Identify Self-Imposed Stress

“Learn to stop self imposing stress by building your own self-confidence rather than seeking other’s approval,” says Melnick. If you’re too caught up in others’ perceptions of you, which you can’t control, you become stressed out by the minutia or participate in avoidance behaviors like procrastination. Ironically, once you shift your focus from others’ perception of your work to the work itself, you’re more likely to impress them.

Prioritize Your Priorities

With competing deadlines and fast-changing priorities, it’s critical to define what’s truly important and why. That requires clarity, says Melnick. It’s important to understand your role in the organization, the company’s strategic priorities, and your personal goals and strengths. Cull your to-do list by focusing on those projects that will have the most impact and are best aligned with your goals.

Reset The Panic Button

For those who become panic-y and short of breath before a presentation, Melnick says you can quickly reduce your anxiety with the right acupressure point. Positioning your thumb on the side of your middle finger and applying pressure instantly helps regulate your blood pressure.

Influence Others

Even if you’re responsible for your behavior and outlook, you’re still left dealing with other people’s stressful behavior, Melnick notes. She advises confronting a problem coworker or employee by stating the bad behavior in a respectful tone, describing the impact on the team and the individual, and requesting a change. For example, constant negativity might be addressed in this way: “When you speak in a critical tone, it makes others uncomfortable and less likely to see you as a leader. I understand your frustration but request that you bring concerns directly to me, so we can talk them through.” By transferring the ownership of the problem, you’re more likely to resolve it.

Be Your Own Best Critic

Some 60,000 thoughts stream through your mind each day, Melnick says, and internal negativity is just as likely to stress you out as an external event. The fix? Instead of being harsh and critical of yourself, try pumping yourself up. Encouraging thoughts will help motivate you to achieve and ultimately train you to inspire others.

5 Ways to create a better working environment for employees

It is an quintessential for an employee to be in a good working environment to be productive. Here are some of the essential ways to create a better working environment for the employees.


First and foremost, you need to ensure that people are safe, all day, every day. Giving proper facilities to the employees can result in better productivity. Their comfort is the deciding point of the amount of productivity to be   It’s also important to equip the office with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit. Offering CPR training to staff is another great idea to ensure safety in the event of an accident.

Once you’ve covered the safety basics, work on comfort. Pay attention to the details and make sure all the basics have been covered.

Talk to your people

Talking to the employees, sharing their day to day problems, lightening up their mood, encouraging them, motivating them  will definitely make them feel special and they will work better in an environment where people help them. This is especially important if you notice performance or morale is wavering in a specific department. Not only will this give you a good sense of the changes you need to make, it will also make your employees feel like their voices are being heard.

Encourage healthy habits

It may also be a good idea to offer your employees the option of a standing desk. While not everyone’s cup of tea, standing desks have been shown to offer certain health and productivity benefits. More importantly, by giving your employees the option, you are showing them that you care about their health and comfort on the job.

Regular breaks

A break can actually lighten up the mood and can help employees make the best of the day by increasing their productivity.  It can be equally disastrous on productivity; working through the day to get everything done on time isn’t necessarily going to mean that everything is being done right. So what do you do?

Encourage your employees to take real breaks.  A walk outside can do wonders for morale and creativity and the time when the employees are needed. Apart from improving camaraderie among coworkers, ideas like this also reinforce the notion that you expect your employees to take full, regular breaks.

A space to relax

Since no one never really knows what your employees may be facing in life or at work, it would be a great idea to have a space where they can feel fresh, happy and comfortable. Providing them with a quiet, comfortable place where they can take a moment to regroup if there’s been a stressful situation, or simply lie down if they have a headache. Office space may be at a premium, but giving employees the ability to disconnect, even for a few minutes, can be invaluable for both your work environment and your staff’s well-being.

9 Ways to find your peace of mind at work

1. Meditation

If you want to create the proper foundation to establish long-lasting peace of mind, then there’s no way around meditation. In fact, if someone were to ask me, “What is the most powerful way to create peace of mind?” I would recommend meditation without the shadow of a doubt. It is simply the most effective thing you can do.

With meditation, I mean in this context not a spiritual practice, but only a mindfulness practice so as to calm your mental activity down.

2. Eliminate certain media distractions

Media consumption can cause great turbulence within our mind. These media distractions range from television, radio, newspapers and magazines to video games and music. They all have in common that certain types within these media categories can heavily affect your mental state in a negative way.

3. Learn to forgive

Far too often we hold grudges. This emotional baggage accumulates over time and becomes a heavy burden that we carry on our shoulders wherever we go.

It is important to realize that we cannot make the things that happened undone. Holding on to your anger will only burn you from the inside, not to mention the fact that it will prohibit you from ever finding peace of mind. For this reason, it is so important to learn to forgive.

Forgiveness is crucial to maintaining inner harmony. It will help you to let go of anger and inner turmoil. Being able to forgive will help you to let go of the pain.

4. Let go of the past

The past haunts every one of us from time to time. Thinking about everything that happened and the mistakes you’ve made in the past over and over again will cause great turmoil within your mind. For this very reason, it is so important not to dwell on the past. You cannot change the past. However, you always have the chance to change your situation in this present moment.

Let bygones be gone. Learn to avoid the evocation of heavily emotional and unpleasant memories of the past. Try to focus your attention on the present situation.

5. Cultivate patience and tolerance

Many times daily we encounter people who do things that we do not approve of. In almost all cases we get so fed up with their behavior that it causes a great and angry storm within our mind.

Learn to be patient and tolerant of these people. As long as they don’t hurt anybody else it shouldn’t affect your mental well-being. Don’t allow these clowns to get more attention than they deserve. Most likely you won’t be able to change them anyways, so why allow them to disrupt your peace of mind.

6. Cultivate a certain level of detachment

A certain degree of mental and emotional detachment can be of the greatest importance when it comes to establishing inner peace and harmony.

You’ll notice that there are so many people who get easily offended even by the slightest stimuli. They start complaining about the most ridiculous things, write angry letters or let off steam on Internet forums. Don’t be one of them. Learn the important skill of not being offended by everything and everyone2.

A great level of inner calmness can be attained by detaching yourself from things that are simply not worth your attention.

7. Take a walk

Go out in nature and take a walk through your nearest park. The sensation of walking through nature will not only ground you, but it will also help you to calm your mind down. Taking a walk is highly effective, but most people sadly seem to have forgotten its benefits1.

8. Volunteer your time

Helping someone else can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Knowing that you’ve made someone’s life worth living will give you not only an incredible boost, but it will also help you to find inner harmony and peace.

9. Don’t worry about what others are thinking

Another source for mental restlessness can be the fear of other people’s judgment. It might even haunt us so much that we do things we’d rather not do, just to please someone else. However, it is nearly impossible to be everybody’s darling. In fact, you cannot change the way people think about you. So why bothering about it?

The ability to be not affected by other people’s opinion will greatly help you to find peace of mind in daily life.

3 Reasons Why you should Outsource Payroll Processing Now

If you run a business and find it difficult to manage the payroll process and compliance but still you aren’t outsourcing it then you are actually ruining your own business and not making the complete use of it to enlarge your business tactics. Outsourcing the payroll process will lead you to a numerous advantages giving you optimum time to focus on your business, your zeal to enlarge your business will be given maximum time to and Don’t you want your business to be at its zenith.

Three reasons why you should outsource Payroll Processing for your business now are

  • Improved compliance: Outsourcing payroll processing improves a firm’s compliance and oversight record, and therefore limits associated risks. Professional payroll service providers have dedicated staff that specialize in monitoring the latest updates in rules and regulations at the state, federal, local, and industry levels, as well as changes in the withholding tax rates. They calculate payroll taxes, social insurance deductions, manage filings and payments, and will undertake the cost of penalties due to incorrect calculations, under-reporting, or delayed payments so long as accurate personnel information and funds are provided on time.


  • Streamlined HR: An internal payroll division involves staffing concerns and running costs, but firms outsourcing payroll can streamline their internal human resources department to focus on managing the company’s relationship with its employees and strategic issues.


  • Confidentiality and transparency: The more employees aware of salary details in an organization, the greater the risk that such information becomes public knowledge within the company. Outsourcing payroll ensures that sensitive data stays secure, and only key decision-makers and senior personnel in the firm are aware of the payroll details. At the same time, outsourcing increases transparency in the payroll process – errors can be reported immediately and directly to management without the complications of inter-departmental reporting structures.

7 Ways to be More Effective at Work

Working but without being effective would be of no purpose. It becomes mandatory that you do an effective and productive work to attain success. Some of the ways by which you can be more effective and productive in work is by following the steps and working accordingly

Measure your results, not your time.

When it comes to productivity we often focus on how long something takes to complete; as opposed to what we actually accomplished in a day. For example, you just spent four hours writing a 1,000-word blog post. You may be be a bit bummed since that took a nice chunk out of your day.

In fact people found “that placing importance on hours and physical presence over action and results leads to a culture of inefficiency (and anxiety).”

“The pressure of being required to sit at your desk until a certain time creates a factory-like culture that ignores a few basic laws of idea generation and human nature: (1) When the brain is tired, it doesn’t work well, (2) Idea generation happens on its own terms, (3) When you feel forced to execute beyond your capacity, you begin to hate what you are doing.”

One way to assist you with measuring results instead of time is by generating a list of stuffs you did and will do. This is simply an ongoing log of everything you completed in a day. By keeping this list you’ll feel more motivated and focused since you can actually see what you accomplished.

Communicate more often

Communicate more often regardless if you’re employee, there will be times when you will have to work with others. As such, you should strengthen your communication and collaboration skills. When you do, you’ll eliminate unnecessary rework and wasted time from straightening out any misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Stick to a routine you created.

“We are creatures of habit, and so are our brains. When we establish routines, we can carry out tasks faster since we don’t have to ‘think’ about the task – or prepare for it – as much, and can work on autopilot,” says Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach, speaker, and author.

Thinking of Multitasking, Well, Stop!

Everyone believes that they are multitasker in their mind and they start to multitask ruining all the work simultaneously. In fact, humans just aren’t capable of doing multiple things at once.

“People can’t multitask very well, and when people say they can, they’re deluding themselves,” said neuroscientist Earl Miller. “The brain is very good at deluding itself.”Instead, we’re simply shifting our attention from one task to another very quickly.

“Switching from task to task, you think you’re actually paying attention to everything around you at the same time. But you’re actually not,” Miller said. “You’re not paying attention to one or two things simultaneously, but switching between them very rapidly.”In fact, researchers have found that they can actually see the brain struggling when multitasking.

So the next time you have the urge to multitask, stop. Take a breather and then go back to focus on the one thing that needs to get done right now. Once that’s done, then you can move on to something else.

Procrastinating? Convert it to your advantage

This may sound counterproductive. But, there’s actually a method to the madness here.  According to a great historian Cyril Northcote Parkinson, “If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute to do.

So if you start procrastinating, you might get well in doing the last minute tasks in a fast, convenient and easy way.

Stress Relieving

One of the the most effective stress-relief strategies are exercising or playing sports, reading, listening to music, spending time with friends or family, being in a calm state of mind, finding your inner peace, going outside for a walk, meditating or doing yoga, and spending time with a creative hobby.

Another effective stress management technique is to increase your control of a situation in advance. You can start by planning tomorrow the night before and sticking to your routine. This way you know what to expect in the morning. Being productive about what you are going to do the other day, this will increase your chance of being more decisive about your schedule.

Do what intrigues you

Not everyone is privileged enough to do what you love for a living. Even if you are chasing your dreams and following your passions, there will still be tasks you’re not fond of doing. In either case, focus more on the work that you actually enjoy doing. When you do, what you love doing then you’ll feel more fulfilled, inspired, challenged, and productive.



Six ways to cope with work stress

Here are some of the few tips and tricks to cope up with work stress.

1. Set aside some time for planning

If work has become too much for you, and you’re constantly falling behind… stop! Instead of trying and failing to catch up, you’d be much better off spending some time thinking about your goals and how your prioritize your tasks.

2. Align your tasks with your goal

Just knowing your goal and associated tasks is not enough. Many people reach this stage but still fall behind with their work and fail to achieve their goals.

The secret is to understand which of your tasks should be high priority and which ones can be done when you have spare time.

3. Remove, change or accept the stressors

How to tackle specific work stressors? I recommend the following method that WellCastintroduced:4

Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns. At the top, write remove in the first column, change in the second and accept in the third.

4. Create positive relationships at work

One key to improving your ability to manage stress is being able to accept help from others. Not only does it alleviate negative circumstances by simply distracting you and creating a buffer between daily tasks and their negative connection, it will provide a sense of support and relief.

Make an effort to create friendships with your colleagues. Go to the after-work happy hour or just ask a colleague out for coffee at lunchtime. Not only will you have someone to confide in, but you will start to associate positive feelings to work.

5. Take time out for yourself

Anyone can get overwhelmed when stress occurs at work, and this can spill into other areas of your life. This is why it’s important to clock out mentally from your job from time to time.

Take time off to relax and unwind in order to regain your energy and come back to work invigorated. Make sure you actually do something you enjoy like spending time with your kids or partner, or visit that country you’ve always wanted to explore.

6. Take mindful action towards your health

The irony of stress is that your healthy habits can take a backseat. Maintaining and even improving your health will keep your stress under control.  some ways to keep you physically fit:

  • Eat healthy foods. 
  • Avoid unhealthy foods.
  • Exercise regularly. 
  • Get enough sleep. 

Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll Process

Outsourcing a business management can lead to numerous benefits and can reduce the calculations related work loads providing time to actually focus on your business and leaving your payroll process to be handled by the payroll experts. Various benefits of outsourcing payroll includes some of the features like

Save your time

Payroll processing inside your business is a time-consuming process. Keeping track of benefit deductions, garnishments, new hires and terminations, paid time off as well as federal and state regulation changes can be frustrating tasks. Outsourcing payroll allows employers to concentrate on their core business and frees up the business owner, human resources or accounting personnel to work more on strategic tasks that could ultimately affect your bottom line. Regardless of the number of people employed by your business, attending to payroll demands a great deal of time and attention to detail.Those repetitive tasks should not be hours taken away from a key management or owner’s daily productivity.  Outsourcing payroll immediately frees up precious time. Employers only need to make contact with their outsourced payroll specialist by approving time once each pay period.

Reduce the costs

The direct costs of processing payroll can be greatly reduced by working with a payroll provider. Big businesses can afford to maintain robust payroll departments. However, Small/medium sized businesses, having an in-house payroll process is a money burner. If your business has fewer than 30 employees, there’s a very good chance that you can save money by outsourcing your payroll operations. Do the math. Figure out how many labor hours your employees are devoting to payroll-related activities, (Calculating payroll each time period, printing, signing, and distributing paychecks or pay stubs, computer software and program maintenance, training and support, keeping up with changes in tax rates/laws, preparing and remitting payroll taxes and returns to government agencies, w-2’s, garnishments, new hire reporting, generating reports for in-house and accountant use) calculate how much you’re spending and compare the amount to the plans offered by several payroll-services providers.

Enhanced Security

Payroll processing is a complex and potentially risky business operation. Even with long time trusted employees, there is always a risk of identity theft, embezzlement of funds, or tampering with company files for personal gain. There’s also an evident risk when using in-house payroll software: How safe and secure is payroll data on the company’s server or network? This very real question can consume a business owner’s energy and attention as well. Do you have the time and energy to closely supervise your business’s payroll for time and rate abuses and other unethical activities? Most payroll services have technologies that can spot and alert clients to various types of payroll fraud. Additionally, online payroll solutions offer a “safe haven” for your confidential payroll data. In addition to redundant backup and multiple server locations, a quality payroll provider invests in state-of-the-art systems for storing and protecting data, simply because it’s part of the service provided to clients.

Gaining Human Resource Information

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRIS to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management tasks until they sit down and inventory their time.  It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. Below are some examples of how employers and employees gain access to HR Information:

Peace of Mind

With the help of a professional payroll service provider, the hassle and pain often associated with processing payroll is gone.  You provide the basic information, and your payroll company takes care of the rest. And with guarantees of error-free payroll and tax filings and payments, you can eliminate the worry that many experience when it comes to paying employees and taxes correctly and on time.

Tips for successful Employee Recruitment

1. Assortment of resumes:

The first step of recruitment, subsequent to the job posting, resumes exploration and selection thereon. Since it is impossible to go through the entire resume whatever comes, the best way to batch-select those where proper similar job title has only been mentioned. Scanning software is to be used for reviewing and/ or scanning all resumes.

2. Preliminary look for in-house candidates:

Providing promotional and sideways opportunities to current employees certainly boosts morale level. This way it makes existing staff members experience their talents, potential, and accomplishments much appreciated. First always post positions internally and give potential candidates a chance for new opportunities. It is also a better chance for you to know their caliber better. They too, discover more about the aims and enhanced needs of an organization.

3. Be recognized as a grand employer:

Let people know that you are a great employer and have a big name in the market. Take a glance at your employee practices for retention, enthusiasm, liability, reward, and recognition process. Increase elasticity in work-life balance, and yearly promotions. These could be key areas for an apt employer of choice. You surely would want your employees big-headed that your organization is an ideal place to work. Likewise, if employer has a big name, people will feel honored to work at such places.

4. Better pay scale than your competitor:

It is quite obvious that candidates do get what they deserve according to their education, skills, and professional experience. It really adds some goodwill if you pay them a better and good pay scale what your competitors paying in the job market. You need to pay them better, little higher than usual, to attract and keep the best candidates in the company. Obviously, good pay scale can fetch anybody’s attention and pull them towards you.

5. Optimal use of website for recruitment:

Your website represents your vision, mission, values, goals, and aims. It is also an effective way of recruiting outside crowd who has a good experience with what you affirm on your website. Do create a separate employment section or resume posting space which not only describes vacant positions but also have an option to post their resume online. A recruiting website is the first prospect to excel and a highly effectual way to magnetize candidates today.

6. Do check references when recruiting:

The purpose of reference check is to keep your organization away from any kind of trouble which might occur due to faulty candidates. It is a must check section when selecting employees. You really need to verify references vigilantly and do go for background checks as well before recruiting any candidate. In fact, you might be legally responsible if you failed to do a background reference check on a person who then attacked another at a workplace.

7. Hire the smartest person from the crowd:

Experts and professionals always recommend to great HR managers to hire the best talent out of crowd of hundreds. They believe that successful candidates try their best to draw out most of the employer’s attention towards them which is typically hard enough for every candidate. Ultimately this means they are smart enough to drive your business very strategically and positively. Don’t think enough, just hire them!

8. Leverage social profiles to post job openings:

Posting job openings on societal media are effortless and liberated. Employer needs to spread information across the entire network to attract people towards vacant positions in the big name company. Even if no one gets engrossed or doesn’t fit well for that job, at least they might come to know about the strong candidate for future prospect. Similarly, HR should keep on posting all major positions on their own social profiles too.

9. Use LinkedIn advantageously:

Well, every professional knows and uses LinkedIn very aggressively which is a very committed business networking website. It offers an easy admittance to resume-style information, aware every person about the existing professional people across the world. Chances of recruitment through such networking site are quite possible. Make sure your company’s special page links are active, to building set of connections by linking with present and ex-coworkers. Usually, LinkedIn is more than only an information site although it also enables employers to build relationships with potential employees before you get them to hire, particularly in industry-specific grouping.

Tips to be better at facility management industry


1. Evolve from passive supplier to proactive strategic partner

Facility management companies must move beyond traditional asset deployment and extend their focus on how to use work space more efficiently to the benefit of all stakeholders.

This is a widening of the Facility Management role and requires a close collaboration with HR and IT teams to align but also to support the overall company strategy.

To accomplish that companies need to develop sets of more strategically relevant measure outcomes such as: ability and speed of knowledge creation; impact of office environment on employee productivity; customer satisfaction and ability to adapt to changes in the external environment.

2. Focus on value creation – not just cost savings

Historically, the facility management success rate has relied heavily on costs and how to get more for less through cost-cutting. Even though cost-cutting will continue to dominate the agenda, with main emphasis on lowering occupancy costs – being a strategic partner will also require finding new ways to create value for the work space inhabitants and other stakeholders.

3. Develop sustainable solutions

Given the fact that buildings account for almost 40% of global energy use, sustainability has become an important strategic topic in Corporate Real Estate and Facility Management in particular.

Today, the majority of facility managers are responsible for energy management, health and safety, waste management, recycling, water consumption and carbon footprint management. These responsibilities will expand even more in the years ahead of us.

4. Optimize the use of space

Space costs money. Knowing that we are moving towards a working environment consisting of virtual or mobile workers, investing time in developing new workplace designs that can suit these new ways of working while increasing space utilization rates can result in impressive cost savings.

Flexible workstations, distributed workplace strategy are just a few ways of maximizing the value of current properties. Reinvestment can with advantage be allocated to less space, but better space propositions.

Facility management companies keen on developing skills and expertise within workplace design in combination with technology utilisation will on that basis be well positioned to experience higher demands.

5. Leverage technology

Towards 2020, more facility managers will be keen to leverage more technology in their service offerings to stay competitive.

For many knowledge workers, today already, the idea of workplace naturally. This naturally falls within the domain of facility management and must be considered in the overall service offering.

Technology is and will be important for two reasons. Firstly, it impacts both how we perform our work and where we work. New different types of workplaces – such as assigned workplaces, shared workplaces, home offices, virtual workplaces and flexible offices – emerge.

Facility Management providers must understand and proactively respond to this.

Secondly, facility management professionals must use technology to make these workplaces/spaces efficient and effective by taking all available technologies and applying them to support the employees.

Many facility management technologies are available already, and they must be used and leveraged optimally.

The graphic below presents a list of current and emerging facility management technologies:

Technology will be an important component in the Facility Manager’s quest to become more efficient and effective moving forward. Nevertheless, it will be essential in responding to the market demands towards 2020.

6. Empower service deliveries with data

In their efforts to support the performance of the company’s employees, corporate Facility Managers and service providers, will find themselves with significantly more data on buildings and employees.

The future facility management value proposition will extend from just managing assets and buildings to managing spaces and ultimately support employees’ performance.

Facility Managers are in possession of data already (who is formally meeting with whom, internally and externally) but do not use this information proactively, nor sees information as a core product.

For the ones being in the forefront of competition, this will most likely change.

Working with and developing experience with data intelligence, Facility Managers will need to leverage data to understand the use of facilities, employee interaction, information exchange and cross-organisational user behaviour.

These insights will be important in understanding how to best support performance, attract talent and increase productivity.

7. Deliver personalised services

Many buildings are similar – as were the way we used our working facilities for a long time. This made it possible for facility managers to offer a fairly standardised service independent of the customer and their subsequent employees. This will no doubt evolve.

To stay competitive, Facility Management towards 2020 needs to be focused on creating personalised service deliveries that support the new ways of working, are more fit-for-purpose and unique from company to company.

The companies’ strategies, and consequently their workplace strategies, will differ from each other. This will make customers demand a service to their exact, specific needs.

The personalised service will go beyond managing assets and systems. Customers will require that the service provider understands their business and train the front-line service employees to deliver on this understanding.


Compliance Management Services for business

The word compliance is derived from the verb ‘to comply’, which means, ‘to act in accordance with the rules’.

In the context of financial services, it therefore refers to the need for those organisations that transact regulated activities to abide by the terms of government.

Regulated companies normally have a compliance department, headed by a Compliance Officer, whose role is to develop policy and practices that ensure all obligations and regulations are adhered to, as well as ensuring that no conflicts of interest arise within the organisation.

The compliance management is also responsible for maintaining the company’s relationship with the government.


Why a compliance management services is necessary for your business

A compliance management system isn’t just necessary for financial purposes, all big and small business are exposed to risks.

While having a risk, management strategy isn’t enough, a compliance management system is required to cover all the policies, taxes and laws abiding when it comes to protecting a company.


Why Brittman’s Compliance Management Service

Our compliance system offers you cost effective tools which strengthens the compliances and also effectively manages the effectively manages legal issues related to any employees.

Our system keeps track records of all employee’s information, Provident fund, EPF calculations, details of pension schemes, employee state insurance, maternity benefits and labour laws.

Our experienced team of professionals makes sure of all of the statutory requirements are updated in the software. Our team works professionally, managing your company’s compliance without any kind of lags, glitches or any kind of incorrections.